At the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) we have developed a novel method for single-cell protein production using anaerobic respiration. By utilizing denitrification, the most efficient form of anaerobic respiration where nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas via nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide, we remove the challenges and costs associated with oxygen supply in aerobic cultivations. However, high cell density cultivation by denitrification is not trivial as current culturing approaches lead to alkalization and salt accumulation. Our novel method solves both issues by running the reactor as a pH-stat where nitric acid (HNO3) is used both to counteract alkalization and provide nitrate for denitrification. Lucullus® has been instrumental in process control during the development and optimization of this method and has allowed us to fully automate the process by balanced substrate provision and efficiently counteracting the negative effects of CO2-triggered acidification.
In this webinar, the following topics have been covered:
- Introduction to single-cell protein production.
- Our novel method for anaerobic high-cell density cultivation by denitrification.
- The Lucullus® Operation was created to control the method.
- Full process overview using the Lucullus® Online tool.
- Q&A.
Duration: 50 min (content) + 10 min (Q&A)

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