We held an event on March 30, 2023 to celebrate the opening of our new office in the Netherlands with a combination of product presentations, guest speeches, and lab tours.
Our Netherlands office is located in Leiden Bio Science Park, and we believe it will provide us with a better opportunity to serve our customers and expand our operations. With our new demo lab space, we can demo our products and offer more services to our clients.
The ceremony started with an opening speech by our CEO, Dr.Carlo Andretta, and he presented our new innovative technologies.

Dr. Carlo Andretta - CEO / Founder
After the opening speech, our products (Lucullus® and Numera®) has been presented by Mohi Ahmadinia, our Marketing Manager.

Mohi Ahmadinia - Sr.Marketing Manager
We were very pleased to have two guest speakers from our customers. Prof. Dr. Nick Wierckx is Group Leader Microbial Catalysis at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich. He gave a presentation on integrated strain- and process engineering at the Jülich Research Center. Navjyot Waghmare is Automation Expert in Process Development at IDT Biologika and gave some insights on how integrating Lucullus with iCELLis Bioreactors has helped in development and manufacturing of vaccines. You can find the recorded session in our LinkedIn.

Navjyot Waghmare - Automation Expert in Process Development at IDT Biologika

The participants had a chance to visit our demo lab and receive the demo of our Numera sampling system and the Lucullus SCADA software by Rowin Timmermans, our Senior Product Specialist .
Rowin Timmermans, Product Specialist and Support Engineer.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all those who have joined our opening event and especially our loyal customers who have helped us grow over the years.
You can contact us to visit our new office at your earliest convenience to see our new space and meet our team.